Filler Treatment

Throughout time, our complexion might lose its volume and brightness. The wrinkles that appear on the devolumized areas such as the face, lips, neck, and hands are treated with the filler treatment. Besides, filler can be used to improve the quality of skin, to moisturize it, and to soften the fine lines.

What is Filler?

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that are applied under the skin in order to regain volume, diminish the lines, soften the wrinkles, and improve the facial lines. We use the temporary Hyaluronic Acid filler at our clinic. This filler, also present in our bodies, is one of the safest products with its natural structure and ability to keep water. Its duration is 9 months to 2 years.

More than 1 millon men and women all around the world have been practising this non-surgical filler procedure. This treatment, being one of the most affordable methods for looking younger and healthier, has been keeping its popularity for a long time.

Fillers are popular for several reasons. The patients can obtain the results right after the application and instantly get back to their daily routine. The filler treatment applied in a short time at the clinic is also preferred as it is painless. Lastly, if there occurs a change of mind after the application, the procedure is totally reversible.

How Does the Filler Improve My Looks?

Although dermal fillers are perfect as “wrinkle correcting products”, they can do much more than removing wrinkles. With dermal filler treatment, we can:

  • Correct the lines around the nose, forehead, and mouth,
  • Correct the deformity of some noses,
  • Volumize the hollow cheeks and temples,
  • Intensely moisturize the skin,
  • Reduce the vertical lip lines,
  • Brighten the areas under the eyes,
  • Bring out the cheekbones,
  • Volumize the lips,
  • Correct the chin contour,
  • Improve the extreme asymmetry in some faces.

How Long Does the Application Take?

Filler applicaiton takes about 10 minutes. Prior to the procedure, an examination is needed to determine the application area and amount. In other words, it is a rather practical procedure. You can comfortably get your filler during the afternoon break.

What happens during the process?

A proper amount of filler is delivered into the needed area.

Does it hurt?

Filler application requires injection. Yet, since the needles are fine, not much pain is felt. Anyway, for a comfortable process, an anaesthetic cream is applied prior to the treatment.

Can I get back to my daily routine after the treatment?

You can resume your routine right after the filler application. There is no restriction. We just recommend that you evade from traumatic interventions on the treated areas such as massaging.

When does the filler show its effects?

Filler shows its effects right after the application. This quick result is one of the reasons we like filler treatment.

How long does the filler last?

You can enjoy your filler for 9 months to 2 years after the applicaiton. However, this effectiveness might change from person to person.

Is filler safe?

Do not feel distressed as filler –just like botox- is a quite safe anti-aging treatment. It has already been approved by one of the most respected health organizations of the world, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the USA.

Where should I get my filler?

You should get the filler treatment from an experienced Dermatologist with a diploma. The filler carried out in a non-medical environment is extremely dangerous.

Does my facial expression change after the treatment? 

The filler practiced by a Dermatologist abosolutely does not ruin the natural look. Dermatologists want their patients to look natural. They apply the filler in a proper amount into the needed area without disturbing the natural look of the face. This helps the patients protect their natural facial expression.

Is there any loss of feeling? 

No. This treatment does not affect the feeling.

When should I get my next filler treatment? 

You can renew the application once the loss of volume and the wrinkles come back. This takes about 9 months to 2 years after the treatment.

Filler is a repetitive process

Since the body absorbs the filler over time, the application can be repeated when need occurs. Besides, our studies show that regular filler applications produce more successful results in the patients.

Does my face get sunken once I quit the treatment?

The face absolutely does not get sunken. It is just that the devolumized areas, deep wrinkles, or the asymmetry might disturb you when they reappear.

What should I evade from after the process?

To prevent the filler product from spreading into unwanted areas:

  • Do not rub or massage the application area.
  • If you are to make up, try not to pres sor rub.
  • Wait for 3 hours before undergoing an intensive physical activity.

Does filler have any side effects?

There is no known side effect. However, a temporary bruising in small amount might occur in patients with sensitive complexion.

For how long has it been practiced?

This is one of the safest cosmetic treatments. Dermatologists have been using the fillers for years in order to reduce the effects of aging.

What is the earliest age for the treatment?

In the past, filler used to be preferred over the age of 35 when the lines are apparent. Nowadays, there are patients who get filler application as a preventive treatment starting from the age of 20.

Can it be combined with some other treatments?

Your Dermatologist can tell you whether a supportive treatment would be better for you. For instance, filler, together with botox, gives us more successful results in some cases.

If you decide on the filler treatment, do not forget to give the below information to your doctor:

  • Your medication,
  • The vitamins and minerals you take,
  • If pregnant, or thinking of becoming pregnant,
  • All the surgeries and cosmetic treatments you have already had.

Filler treatment is one of the most popular treatment methods. To decide whether it is appropriate for you, please get an appointment to see Dermatologist Dr. Ersin Aydın at our clinic.