Mole Treatment

Everybody has moles on their bodies. It is natural for adults to have 10 to 40 moles on their bodies. With aging, the numbers and the colors of the moles may change.

What Causes a Mole?

Moles are generally small, dark brown spots that appear on skin. They are usually caused by the clusters of pigmented cells. Moles usually appear during childhood and adolescence. Most people have 10 to 40 moles that might change shape or totally diminish throughout time

Most moles are harmless, and rarely become cancerogenic. The follow-up of the moles and the other pigmented spots is a significant step in diagnosing skin cancer –especially malign melanoma.

Moles are generally harmless. They might have hairs, be elevated (above the skin), or wrinkled. You need to see a Dermatologist in case of any change in the color or the size of your moles, or itching, pain, bleeding, or infection. Your Dermatologist can define your moles examining your skin.

Follow the Changes

Following the location and the shape of your moles is of the utmost importance. There might be some changes indicating melanoma. Therefore, examine your skin regularly. Especially, if you have a melanoma story in the family, you are required to conduct a self-examination once in a month.

Protect Your Skin

Take precautions to protect your skin from the sun or the ultraviolet (UV) radiation like solarium. UV radiation increases the risk of melanoma. Besides, protect yourselves and your children from the sun using proper clothes and hats. Children exposed to sun are more likely to develop moles on their skin.

Use Sun Screen

Use sun screen throughout the year. Even on cloudy days, use sun screen 30 minutes prior to going out. Using a broad spectrum, SPF-15 sun screen in winter will prevent the emergence of new moles. Likewise, apply a minimum of 30-factor sun screen during summer once in every 2 hours.

When to See a Dermatologist?

Get an appointment, if a mole looks unusual, enlarges, or changes. Cancerogenic (malign) moles demonstrate vast changes in appearance. The hormonal changes in adolescence or pregnancy might cause the moles look darker or larger. Physicians may get a tissue sample (biopsy) for microscopic examination, if they get suspicious that a mole is cancerogenic.

If you decide on the mole treatment, do not forget to give the below information to your Dermatologist:

  • Your medication,
  • The vitamins and minerals you take,
  • If pregnant, or thinking of becoming pregnant,
  • All the surgeries and cosmetic treatments you have already had.

Mole examination and treatment are important. To diagnose your problem and follow the correct treatment procedure, please get an appointment to see Dermatologist Dr. Ersin Aydın at our clinic.